>> Rental Costs For Full Time Exclusive Use

Casual daily kitchen rentals rates & terms: 33 Dobroyd Rd, Balgowlah Hts 2093
- Shared use basis: Costs are $150 per 8 hour period inclusive of gas & electricity charge on a shared use basis with a maximum 2 of your personnel in kitchen at any one time. A 6 hour booking is $130. A 4 hour booking is $110. Shared use means that more than one company is utilising the kitchen at the same time as you are onsite. Longer booking periods are available to suit your needs. The minimum booking period is 4 hours per booking.
- Exclusive use basis: Costs are $220 per 8 hour period inclusive of gas & electricity charge. A 6 hour booking is $190. A 4 hour booking is $150. You have sole & exclusive use of the kitchen for the period you have booked with a maximum 4 of your personnel in the kitchen at any one time. Please contact us for any requirements outside of these personnel numbers e.g. film shoots/product launches etc. Longer booking periods are available to suit your needs. The minimum booking period is 4 hours per booking.
- Hours of operation: Generally bookings can be made for any time throughout the day/night. The hours available are: 7am – 3pm/3pm -11pm/11pm – 7am.
- Security deposit: You agree to pay a security deposit of $500 as a guarantee of returning clean and intact. the kitchen as you found it, this amount is refundable on move out provided the kitchen is returned clean and intact. A check in sheet & general operational instructions will be provided to you as part of your booking confirmation. Each user must return the cleaning check list & pictures showing condition of cleanliness & equipment at end of each booking to eh@rentakitchen.com.au.
- A tax invoice must be provided by you on completion to enable us to return your bond promptly.
- Storage: Cool room/freezer storage is available overnight @ $25 for cool room use/$10 for freezer use. Also we offer special rates for long term ongoing bookings.
- Dry storage: Available on average from $20 per week.
- Deliveries to kitchen: Permitted whilst you are there to receive them & also the day before provided you organise access & pay for storage as required.
- Your equipment: Should you require a specialised item of equipment you are permitted to bring this with you. Ongoing storage of your equipment onsite can be negotiated – dependant on size.
- Rent for ongoing regular long term bookings is due on 1st day of each month in advance.
- Process to make a booking: We require your business name/Pty details/home address & your ABN to allow us to invoice you.
- Insurance: Each licensee/occupant/user should carry Public Liability/Product Liability/general insurances to cover items such as loss of stock/damage etc or as there insurance broker recommends. We also require a copy of your public liability insurance to be provided at time of booking to us. Whilst every effort is made to ensure all stock/equipment stored onsite is safe no liability attaches to the landlord/licensor. The landlord will not be responsible nor held liable in the event of at the time of your booking that services such as gas/electricity/water are not available due to a service provider or external 3rd party issue.
- Confirmation of booking: A confirmation email or text will be sent to you on receipt of funds at bank.
- Cancellation policy: Cancellations are not accepted, however if 14 days advance notice is provided we will make a substitute booking at a later day for you. Subject to the date been available at that time that you require.
- Council & markets documentation: All 10 kitchens are fully Council food approved with Occupation Certification, they are also HACCP standard. A fee of $300 is applicable per month should you require our Occupation Certification for Council/markets purposes. This fee will be offset against days booked for actual use of kitchens. Once a booking date is confirmed a copy of your paid invoice can be presented to Council/markets as proof of kitchen use. The proof of use only applies to the dates you have paid for/months paid by you for use of our Occupation Certification of a commercial kitchen.
- Cleaning materials: Cleaning equipment such as mops/brushes/dust pans are provided – it is recommended that you bring own cleaning liquids/hand towels.
- Cleaning charges: A cleaning fee of $165 will be charged for a light clean & heavier intensive cleaning fee of $330 should you fail to clean properly at end of your booking. Cleaning is required to take place during hours booked.
- Rubbish: All rubbish must be removed from site at end of each day. A fee of $330 plus GST is payable each time rubbish left onsite.
- Guarantee of booking address: Whilst every effort is always made to ensure that your long term booking is honoured at the site you chose, from time to time matters may cause this to change that are outside our control. However with 10 kitchens in our portfolio you can rest assured of always having access to a kitchen.
- All pricing is quoted as plus GST of 10%.
- General information: Please call us directly regarding training kitchen/block bookings of certain days on 0418 459646/eh@rentakitchen.com.au.
Enda T. Hughes | Director
eh@rentakitchen.com.au | www.rentakitchen.com.au | 0418 459 646 | ABN 47 154 657 780
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